Tuesday, March 3, 2009


in 16 days our baby should be here... I am ready for her to come now. Had baby shower on saturday, and scored big! TONS of amazing gifts that we really needed. I am so cheap I didn't want to buy anything until after the shower. Really don't need to buy much more. My Mama came over last night and helped me clean and organize baby's room. It's starting to look so good. My mama is wonderful.

Side pains... supposedly round ligament pains aren't bringing me to tears anymore. I like this, but it's still achey enough to wake me up every few hours at night. I don't like this. I think baby pepper is too big to be in there anymore... her Daddy is very tall.

I still have a lot to organize... but I want my baby... this belly is only getting bigger. Appointment tomorrow. NST's and BPP's (pretty sure that's what their called). To see baby moving and shaking. I like listening to her heart beat while I sit there and watch what not to wear. :)

I wonder when labor will strike. It's a very weird waiting game.

Thursday will mark 38 weeks... Doesn't she know she's full term now and it's safe to come out?